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Risk Investment
Editor:admin  Date:2014-08-18  Browse:12134 Text Size Print

Although the venture capital industry with a "risk" word, but the purpose is not to maximize risk investment risk. Instead, investors should be aware of all the risks a company faces, and the risk to do comparison with the benefits. 
The following are major risk factors when a start-up company, investors should be evaluated. 
Market timing risk: It is the best time for such enterprises founded Although it is difficult to assess, but it is still a very important factor?. Many people claim that Facebook will run before a similar website, their rhetoric may be true, but then the market does not yet ready. 
Business Model risk: whether they have a clear business model is feasible economic unit if not, what conditions need to meet in order to achieve profitability??? 
Market share of risks: Are there currently on the market a strong competitor, what are the main barriers to entry in this field is? 
Market risk: if the company great success, the availability of investment exit when the expected benefits? 
Execution risk: Does the team have the right skills and passion to achieve goals if you do not, they will look for them to make up for its deficiencies?? 
Technical risks: whether companies need to develop new technology is not mature enough, or research and development for longer than expected. These problems are usually found in clean technology companies and hardware companies. 
Capital Structure Risk: As companies grow, whether the company can get more investment in ensuring employee welfare situation in order to stay afloat? 
Platform risks: whether startups platform built on Youtube, Twitter or Facebook their relationship with these platforms how their product plans are placed under the direct path of the platform??? 
Risk Management Risk: Does the company receptive to feedback information is to keep the team on the current business honest and fair manner?? 
Financial risks: how much money the company needs in order to achieve the purpose of taking into account the current environment and the company's development trajectory, the financial risks can be effectively managed?? 
Legal risk: whether the company is very easy to fall into the patent infringement dispute whether or technology companies with older employees, or the founder of a larger conflict, leading to management challenges?? 
Risk assessment is not necessarily applicable to the above-mentioned factors each startups. However, when considering an entrepreneurial start-up companies, should take into account factors such rough measure.

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