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Registered HK trademark
Editor:admin  Date:2014-08-18  Browse:13817 Text Size Print

Hong Kong is the world's most liberal trade treaty ports, but also the busiest port. Registered trademark in Hong Kong, you can quickly increase their visibility and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises continue to grow, to maximize profits. Hong Kong registered trademarks note the following: 
First, the eligibility criteria: 
Company in the name of the application; or 
Individuals (18 years of age) in the name of the application 
Second, for the required application materials: 
1. Eligibility supporting information: 
On behalf of the company to apply, with a copy of business license; 
To individual applications, with identity card or passport. 
2. Application Address 
Please provide an address in Hong Kong, without the Hong Kong address, I could provide for free. 
3. Reproduction of the mark 
Clear reproduction of the mark (two copies), picture size at 5 cm * 5 cm to 10 cm * 10 cm; electronic version of LOGO. 
Note: If the trademark color, specify the color, for future use will be used in accordance with the specified color; If the mark is in black and white, then you can use any color 
If the mark is in black and white, then you can use any color 
4. Seeking registration lists of goods or services, pointed out that the trademark category 
All goods or services must be strictly in accordance with the trademark classification table lists the trademark classification can be found from this site "trademark Classification" section. 
5. Trademark registration attorney 
Trademark registration attorney may "Forms" section to download from this site, or to obtain a copy of my company. 
Note: Applicants must be signed and sealed on the power of attorney 
6. Related costs 
Third, the trademark registration application process 
1, logo design 
Logo design should pay attention to the following questions: 
Originality, that trademark design have new ideas; hand to meet the significant demands on the other hand there are likely to expand the visibility of creative trademark goods, and quickly occupied the market. 
Name and function of a trademark should avoid commodity-linked together; 
Trademark design to highlight the theme, rational distribution. 
I have a number of excellent designers from home and abroad can provide you with professional design services. 
2, Trademark Search 
Trademarks query usually refers to the trademark registration applicant before the application for registration of trademarks, in order to understand whether there is a registered trademark of its application earlier trade mark rights may constitute a conflict of conduct relating to trademark information queries. A trademark registration from application to approval lasted long. If the trademark application for registration was rejected, on the one hand the loss of trademark registration fee, on the other hand re-apply for a registered trademark still need more time, but again the application can be approved for registration remains in an unknown state. Therefore, the applicant before the application for registration of a trademark trademark best query, understand the situation prior rights. 
Inquiry services are currently provided in two ways: 
First, the internal inquiry service, the service is free, time is 2 working hours (normal) 
Second, the proxy government inquiry service, the service following the inquiry voluntary, paid, the query results only for the principle of reference. Time is 7 working days. 
From there, the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Department, reporting to the trademark records and the preliminary views of whether the existence of a registered trademark can be obtained. Although the result is not equal to review the results of the query, however, apply to the government inquiry services, the application for registration of the entire process will greatly reduce the risk. Therefore, we strongly recommend that customers choose government inquiry service. 
3, to submit applications 
Submitted by the company responsible for the proxy to the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Department, submissions are: 
"Power of Attorney"; 
"Trademark application": a clear and fill in the application address the applicant, trademarks categories and a list of goods or services; 
Clear reproduction of the mark; and 
Registration fee. 
4, receiving notice 
Upon receipt of the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Department trademark registration application materials, giving an application number, the issuing notice of acceptance, the time was about a week. 
5 review 
Review to go through two stages: 
a. Form of review 
Before trademark registration in the review of the application will first detailed view of the application form and all attachments, whether partial to the view the forms to be filled out has been completed, whether the information is correct, if necessary incomplete information. 
If everything is in order, the application process will proceed to the next stage (substantive examination stage). 
b. Substantive examination 
Check complete application deficiencies and determine all the information made available, the Trade Marks Registry will check mark records to determine in the same or similar goods or services, whether there are other businesses have registered or applied to register the same or similar trademark. 
Trade Marks Registry will also check whether the requirements for registration of the trade mark set by "Trade Marks Ordinance." 
If approved, the application process will proceed to the next stage (stage bulletin board Gazette) 
6, Gordon Gazette Notice 
After the approval of applications for trademark registration office will be in Hong Kong Intellectual Property Gazette notice period of three months, if no objection, the trademark can be successfully registered. 
7, registration 
After the application for trademark registration is approved, it will put the details entered in the trademark register and issue a certificate of registration to the applicant. In addition, the Director of the Trade Marks Registry will announce the registration of a notice in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Gazette. Registration date will be retroactive to the date of submission of the application, in other words, as a trademark with the right person, shall be from the date of filing. 
Fourth, the time and expense to apply for trademark 
The application if no deficiencies, and did not encounter opposition, the entire process (from receipt of an application for trademark registration to the approval of trademark registration) when you need to be as short as six months. 
Each trademark inquiry fee per category: 1000 Hong Kong dollars; application for registration fee: 3800 Hong Kong dollars; After successful registration is valid for 10 years, no longer paying any expenses for the period. 10-year follow-up exhibition will become a permanent registered. 
V. Remarks 
All these costs do not include the review, objections fees. If the trademark application has been preliminarily approved by others announcement after objections or trademark application was rejected for review, there will be a fee, depending on the circumstances agreed. 
Above cost does not include the cost of translation, if necessary. 
Upon application for trademark registration, the cost starts to produce, so regardless of the results of applications for trademark registration, without energy refund

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