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Special purpose audit
Editor:admin  Date:2014-08-18  Browse:15354 Text Size Print

Special purpose audit refers to the CPA entrusted, for the following financial information is audited and the audit report issued business. 

1 in accordance with the basis of accounting standards and other related businesses outside the accounting system (referred to special basis) financial statements prepared 
CPA may be the principal requirements for the audited entity audit opinion in accordance with the basis of preparation of the financial statements of the special. Special foundation typically include tax basis, cash basis basis and regulatory agencies reporting requirements. 

Part 2 of the financial statements 
CPA may be the principal requirement for one or more integral part of the financial statements audit opinion. 
An integral part of the financial statements, including financial statements specific projects, specific content specific accounts or specific accounts. 

3 Contract Compliance 
CPA may be the principal requirements of the entity being audited in compliance with the contract terms relating to financial accounting audit opinion. For example, the loan contract compliance audit opinion; patent, trade mark use right transfer agreement compliance audit opinion. 

4 Summary Financial Statements 
CPA may be the principal requirements of the entity being audited financial statements are prepared based on the audited financial statements of the brief opinion. 

We offer a special purpose audit related ancillary services include: 

1 for mergers, acquisitions, corporate and litigation matters listed special audit 

2 royalties audit 

3 audited profit forecast 

4 based on management's request for a special audit 

In an increasingly complex business environment today, companies based on different operating purposes, must be carried out targeted audits to meet different management objectives and needs. Bailey has accumulated for different purposes of audit experience in various industries through professional auditors and audit recommendations, provide a reliable basis for investor decisions.

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